• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024


Updated daily for people visiting & living in Cyprus

Smokers in Cyprus


A government initiative to promote healthier lifestyles, has recently compiled troubling statistics regarding smoking in Cyprus. The study has revealed that almost a third of all Cypriots currently living on the island are smokers and that smoking in Cyprus remians a popular habit amongst Cypriots. The results also indicate that the smoking ban in public places, which came into force in 2010, has not had an impact on the number of smokers on the island. Nearly one in every two of all adult males currently smoke and just over one in every five of all adult women also partake. 
These troubling statistics have also raised concerns regarding the overall health of smokers in Cyprus and plans are afoot to help buck the smoking trend. The majority of smokers that took part in the study expressed concerns about the effects of smoking on their health, but admitted that quitting the habit was unlikely.
Smoking In Cyprus
Over half of the smoker’s partners admitted that they did not like their partner’s smoking habit, but tolerated it. Two thirds of the general public considered smoking outdated and one in five of all smokers that took part in the study also expressed concerns that help and support for those wishing to quit the habit was not readily available. Currently 931 people in Cyprus die from tobacco smoking-related diseases each year.

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